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T12 vs T8 vs T5: "T-12"...As Outdated As Your Granparents Bingo Game?

t12 vs t8 vs t5 is this our grandparents bingo

T12 vs T8 vs T5 ...  Are We Playing Bingo?

But of Course, Bingo doesn't have the T, so we must be talking about lighting.

T5 vs. T8: How Do You Know If You Really Need T5 Lighting?

t5 vs t8 fluorescent lighting what does the t mean

Do You Really Need T5 Lighting and Does It Matter?

Let's take a look at the differences between T8 and T5 fluorescent technology and see how they stack up. This is important because the T5 lighting could cost you 2x more than T8 Lighting.  Here's why. 

T8 vs. T5: How To Determine Which Light Is The Right Light


Shouldn't It Be T12 vs. T8 vs. T5?

Your Kids Won't Even Know What A T-12 Was

T-12 technology is going away and will soon be history.  Your kids won't even know what a T12 was (okay...fair efficiency geeks are likely the only ones who talk to their kids about lighting...).  But anyhow, by today's standards, the T12 is considered inefficient compared to the newer more modern fluorescent standards. 

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