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T12 vs T8 vs T5: "T-12"...As Outdated As Your Granparents Bingo Game?

t12 vs t8 vs t5 is this our grandparents bingo

T12 vs T8 vs T5 ...  Are We Playing Bingo?

But of Course, Bingo doesn't have the T, so we must be talking about lighting.

T5 vs. T8: How Do You Know If You Really Need T5 Lighting?

t5 vs t8 fluorescent lighting what does the t mean

Do You Really Need T5 Lighting and Does It Matter?

Let's take a look at the differences between T8 and T5 fluorescent technology and see how they stack up. This is important because the T5 lighting could cost you 2x more than T8 Lighting.  Here's why. 

How to Calculate Total Fixture Wattage for Fluorescent Lighting


Step 1 - Determine Your Type of Fluorescent Fixture

In order to calculate your total fixture wattage, you need to know what the wattage is of the existing system you have in place.  There are numerous variables, but typically we see T-12 fluorescent lighting in most places.  Even if you are aware of that you use T-12's, knowing what type of T-12 fixture is very important.  Here are the 3 that we run into most

Come "See The Difference" Of A T8 Lighting Upgrade In Elkton, KY


FREE Food....FREE Energy Efficient Lighting Seminar...Have You Seen An Energy Efficient Project AFTER A Complete Upgrade?

Energy Efficient Lighting Project Saves Manufacturer 130,000+ kWh Annually

Recently Hovey Electric and Coffman Home Decor completed an energy efficiency upgrade project at Refine Tile in Elkton, KY. The 4 month project entailed removing 980-8' T12 strip lights and replacing them with 373-4 lamp T8 F-bay fixtures.

T8 vs. T5: How To Determine Which Light Is The Right Light


Shouldn't It Be T12 vs. T8 vs. T5?

Your Kids Won't Even Know What A T-12 Was

T-12 technology is going away and will soon be history.  Your kids won't even know what a T12 was (okay...fair efficiency geeks are likely the only ones who talk to their kids about lighting...).  But anyhow, by today's standards, the T12 is considered inefficient compared to the newer more modern fluorescent standards. 

5 Reasons Why You Will Fall In Love With Fluorescent T5 Lighting


Here's Why You Will Fall In Love Fluorescent T5 Technology...

1. Fewer Watts Per Fixture

T-5 Ballast and bulbs are a better combination all around but one of the greatest benefits is the reduction in wattage required to light these up compared to a T12 fixture.  The difference in savings will depend on which type of fixture. We have used fixtures with wattage ratings of 190 watts.

Energy Efficient Lighting:400 Watt Metal Halide vs. T-5 Retrofit


Will T-5 Replacement Make My Facility More Energy Efficient?

A Few Quick Tips to Help You Find the Best Applications: T8 vs. T5

T12 vs T8

Which Is The Better Application, T8 or T5?

Well, It Depends!

Both T5 and T8 lighting solutions are smart choices when considering a lighting upgrade, however depending on the application one of these technologies will work better.

Energy Efficient Lighting:How To Calculate Cost 23 Watt Bulb


Is a 23 Watt Bulb Really More Energy Efficient than a 100 Watt Incandescent?

Calculating the Cost of a 23 Watt CFL

The typical replacement for a 100 watt incandescent is a 23 watt compact fluorescent bulb.  We often get the question about why someone should change out their incandescent bulbs for the CFL's. 

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