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Come "See The Difference" Of A T8 Lighting Upgrade In Elkton, KY


FREE Food....FREE Energy Efficient Lighting Seminar...Have You Seen An Energy Efficient Project AFTER A Complete Upgrade?

Energy Efficient Lighting Project Saves Manufacturer 130,000+ kWh Annually

Recently Hovey Electric and Coffman Home Decor completed an energy efficiency upgrade project at Refine Tile in Elkton, KY. The 4 month project entailed removing 980-8' T12 strip lights and replacing them with 373-4 lamp T8 F-bay fixtures.

In addition we also retro-fitted 128-4 lap 2x4 fixtures to 3 lamp T8 lamps and ballasts.

Exterior metal halide wall packs were replaced with new wall packs utilizing CFL technology.

Let's take a look at the numbers....

The Numbers Make A Compelling Case For Energy Efficient Lighting

By using more efficient t8 lighting we were able to reduce the fixtures in the production area from 980 to 373 and still achieve a significant increase in light quality throughout the facility!

This led to a annual Kilowatt hour reduction of 131,231 KWH.

What does that mean?

If you take the KWH reduction (131,231) and multiply it by the rate you will get an annual savings of $13,123.00 annually, or $1094.00 per month in just KWH reduction.

By upgrading it's lighting Refine tile also was able to shed 12.32 KW in demand charges qualifying the company for incentives.

The incentive funds for this project are from a joint effort of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative (PRECC).  PRECC is the power distributor to Refine Tile.


Before Lighting Upgrade

Refine Tile

After Lighting Upgrade

Come see for yourself, plus we will feed you!

Many businesses have heard about energy efficient technologies and some have even had proposals.  We still see the hesitation and skeptics wherever we go. 

Here is a chance to see a real project, seeing the real benefits of updated energy efficient lighting.

In reality, the calculations used for energy efficient calculations are fact based...meaning this is what you have (fact), if you replace it with this (fact), you will save this much based on these rates (fact).  The numbers don't lie....but it is even better to see a facility with updated lighting technologies. 

If you need to "see to believe" is your chance.

At 6 pm, on February 28th, we will be holding our 2nd annual energy efficient lighting seminar at the newly updated Refine Tile facility, in Elkton, KY

If your interested in attending, just click the link below and attend our 2nd annual Energy Efficiency Seminar that will be held ON-SITE at the Refine Tile locations.

Come see the difference with your own eyes!

2nd annual Energy Efficiency Seminar Information and Reservations

We are going to feed you, and seating is limited so don't wait!

Coffman Home Decor and Hovey Electric representatives will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about upgrading your building.

Come learn about energy efficient lighting and see how much money energy efficient lighting can save your business!

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Energy Efficiency Incentives: TVA Incentives For "Custom" Lighting

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